Living and Non-Living Things

Living and Non-Living Things

The whole world is divided into living and non-living things.  In the Bible, we can read about how God created all living things in the book of Genesis. 


Genesis 1: 11 And God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so.

Genesis 1: 20  And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures according to their kidns: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to it's kind." And it was so.

Genesis 1: 26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness...". 


The scientists who study living things are called biologists. Living things follow certain "rules".  In order to help determine if something is living or non-living, scientists ask  the following questions:

(1) Does it need energy? (food, water, nutrients)

(2) Does it grow and change? (begin as a young thing and grow older and change)

(3) Does it have the ability to make more of itself? (baby animals, seeds)

(4) Does it change or adapt to the world around it? (move when you touch it, change color in different seasons, camoflauge)

If the answer to any of the first four questions is no, then scientists automatically classify it as non-living. 

And this last one is tricky....

(5) Was it ever a part of a living thing? (fruit, fallen branch) 

It's Alive! Biology for Kids

Who's Alive?

Needs and Parts of a Plant

In order to thrive and survive, plants have needs that need to be met.  All plants need sunlight (or artificial sunlight), air, soil, space, and nutrients (food, water).  Plants (and all living things) need energy, which they get in the form of water and nutrients (or food).  A plant has different parts that do different functions, just like a human body.  Plants have roots that help it by attaching to the soil so it can stay put and by taking nutrients and water from the soil.  Once the roots have the nutrients and water, they move up the stem to the leaves and the flowers (and sometimes even fruit).   The roots work like a straw, taking in the water and bringing it to the whole plant. If a living thing, like a plant, has too much or too little of any of their needs it can impact the health and survival of the living thing. 

The Parts of a Plant Song

Parts of a Plant - Brain Pop Jr.

"Plants Can't Sit Still" written by Rebecca E. Hirsch

Look Inside a Flower

Bean Plant Time Lapse - 25 days

Color-Changing Celery Experiment

The Life Cycle of a Plant

Plants grow and change from a small seed to a mature plant (that sometimes produces flowers or fruit).  They begin life as a seed with the potential to grow under the right conditions (see the section above).  Seeds come in all shapes and sizes.  

How Does A Seed Become A Plant?

Animal Needs 

Just like plants, animals needs certain things in order to survive and thrive (do well).  Animals need food, water, air, and shelter.   The type of food and shelter each animal needs can be vastly different depending on their habitat.  A habitat is the environment where a specific animal lives.   Animals often have special adaptations to survive in their specific environment.  For example, polar bears are white to blend in with their snowy habitat.  God created SO many different living creatures with so many neat features!    Can you think of another example of an animal that has a special feature?

The Needs of an Animal Song

How a Caterpillar Becomes a Butterfly

What is a Habitat?

Animal Habitats Song

Exploring Habitats

Wild Kratts - Exploring Extreme Animal Habitats